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Comment for Brian, Troy and Alex - re: Conspirituality - enjoy all your shows but there was one thing missing in your dialogue on what's been lost in society. Sci-Fi writer Arthur C. Clark saw this the future dichotomy and wrote about it in 1956 in his book 'The City and the Stars.'

Talking about cults and replacement of religious institutions, AI confusing the world about what might be real, the millions of people finding some sense of community in Grand Theft Auto or watching sports on TV is all about people interacting with screens.

I think screens did provide some sense of shared awareness when Walter Cronkite did the news or we all watched The Wizard of Oz 'together, but as it has fractured into smaller and smaller communities we've all become lost in space/metaverse.

But the more essential element is nature and soul. Humans are grounded in the outdoor experience and human connection. Screens/media have lost the ability to connect and create community. Beyond the 'platforms' of Google, Facebook, Insta etc the platform of a screen as your window to the world is an intermediary that disconnects us all from our own soul and mother nature.

Arthur C. Clark saw this coming and the book relates the community of people like Andreesen who want to merge with computers/tech and others who want to slow down (my tribe) and reconnect with each other and nature. I think it's surprisingly prescient and relevant to your conversation.

What is real is what goes on outdoors away from all the technology. What we read or watch is always been a bit fake and now more fake than ever. I'd suggest the world needs to unplug, get outdoors and reconnect with what's real.

I appreciate the podcast and hope you can read The City and The Stars.


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